Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day Three - The Canadian Border

The Drive

Today's trip started at the southern border of Oregon and ended at the Canadian Border. It was pretty much clear sailing except for Portland, Oregon, Olympia and Seattle, Washington which all had some traffic. It was a long drive (578 miles) and it was all Interstate. Southern Oregon is mountainous so it was fun to drive. However, the rest of the drive was flat and boring.

I arrived in Blaine around 7:30 PM and I am staying at a place called the Northwoods Motel which is around 1,000 feet from the border. The decor in the room is definitely rustic. The bed frame is made out of logs. The chairs, tables and lamps are also logs. The decorating definitely matches the name of the hotel. The place is quiet, clean and cheap.

The Second Corner

Before heading to dinner, I headed to the Post Office which is the Northwest Corner for the trip. I tool the required pictures to prove that I was there and purchased gas nearby to prove the time. I went to dinner at a Mexican Restaurant (what is wrong with this picture). The food was good and the restaurant over looks the bay which is part of the Puget Sound. So I definitely in the corner.

Tomorrow's Trip

I had originally planned to take the Cascade Highway (US-2) through the mountains. Unfortunately 10-20 miles of the road are closed because of the forest fires. I will have to go back into the Seattle (area in order to pick up I-90 and start heading east. The first couple of hours should be interesting as I drive through the Cascades. I hope to get to Missoula, Montana but we will see. It is roughly 600 miles. We have friends that live there but they are on a trip to Africa. If I still feel good, I will shoot for Butte.

I am pretty sore tonight, so I took two Aleve tablets. It seems that they are working well for me. Going to get an early start but I am going to hit traffic is Seattle but I want to stay on schedule if I can. Well the alarm to wake up just went off, so it is time to get ready to roll.

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