Sunday, September 16, 2018

Days #9 & #10 - Heading Home & Stopping to see Family

Leaving Connecticut

I headed out of the hotel promptly at 6:00 and the temperature was around 60 degrees so I had the leather jacket, neck wrap and heavy gloves. The first 20-30 miles were rough roads which is not very comfortable when you have a bad back to start with. I crossed into New York state around 7:30 and into Pennsylvania around 8:30. It was cool and cloudy most of the day until I hit the Ohio where the sun came out and the temperature jumped into the 90's. I stashed all of the cold weather gear.

All day during the ride I was thinking about the statement I made during the decision process to head for home about the importance of family. I kept thinking about how close I was going to be near our son and decided to call to see if I could stop and see them. I changed the itinerary and headed for their new house in Cincinnati. As I pulled into the neighborhood, they were out talking a walk. I spent a moment talking with them and then drove the rest of the way to their house.

They have been in this house for about a month now and they are in the midst of a live-in remodeling project. They just finished having the kitchen cabinets and appliances installed which look great. The house will be gorgeous when they are finished. I had a nice visit with the family and especially my two granddaughters Abby and Maddie. Abby broke her are a few weeks ago and she is going in to be have the cast replaced on Monday.
Maddie and Abby
I slept in for a change since I failed to set the alarm. I got dressed and came out and ate breakfast with the family. The girls were surprised that I mixed my orange juice with apple juice. The girls tried it and liked it. I may have made a pair of new converts. 

Continuing On

I left at 10:00, and this was the first day in over two weeks where I didn't have any extra gear on. The day continued to get hotter as the day progressed. At the second gas stop, I soaked one of the "cool rags" and put it on but it didn't work because the humidity was so high in the St. Louis area.

I originally planned on heading to Tulsa, OK but stopped about an hour past St. Louis and got a room for the night. I have decided the change the remainder of the trip home by riding 8-10 hours but starting at 4:00 AM each morning get to my destination in early afternoon before the temperatures get too high. So I will not return home until Wednesday morning.

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